Setting Up Custom Fields

Setting Up Custom Fields

Custom fields provide a way for employees to add details to their expenses. They are also useful for expense types that require specific information or guidelines. Employees can enter information into these custom fields when adding or editing an expense report line item (see Adding and Editing Expense Report Line Items for details).

To set up custom fields, click the Custom Fields link in the left column of the Services | Expenses page.

The Custom Fields page appears with a list of custom fields you may want to use. You can apply these custom fields to expense types:

  • # of Days: Whole Number
  • Attendees: Text entry
  • Billable expense: Checkbox
  • Duration Stay: Whole Number

To modify a custom field, select the custom field, and then click the View link in the right column of the custom field. You can then click the Edit button to edit the custom field information:

  • Field name: Enter the label that will appear for the field in the expense report line item.
  • Data Format: Select a data format (such as Text entry) from this drop-down menu.
  • Field length: Provide a field length for the field (number of characters for a text entry).
  • Required: Click to check this option if the field is required to be filled out for the expense type (otherwise the field is not required).
  • Apply to Selected Expense Types: Click the checkbox for any expense type that this custom field applies to.
  • Active: Click to check this option if the custom field should be active (otherwise it is inactive).

Click Save to save your changes.

Expense provides many of the standard custom fields that a business might use, but you can also create more custom fields. To create a custom field, click the Create Custom Field button above the list of custom fields, provide the information above, and click Save.