Administering Shipping

Administering Shipping

To set up your FedEx or UPS account for the Shipping service, click the Services drop-down menu on the Admin Access Dashboard and choose Shipping, which opens up the Services | Shipping page. A set of links appears in the left column, including Shipping.

You must have a FedEx or UPS account to begin. Click either the FedEx or UPS radio button to enable either as your exclusive shipping provider, and click the Activate button.

The Activate Shipping page appears. Enter your account information, review your company address and information, and review the provider's license agreement. Click the license agreement checkbox, and then click the Activate button to activate the provider account.

You can then set your Shipping Setting. The "Do not allow shipment that cost more than:" setting is set by default to $25. You can enter a different amount underneath the $25 option, or click the radio button for No Limit.

Click Save to save your changes.