Administering Departments

Administering Departments

You can create and customize a list of departments in your company. Click the Users drop-down menu and choose Departments, or click Departments in the left column of the Manage Users window.

Next to the "Show:" label, you can click the AllActive, or Inactive tabs to show all, just active, or just inactive departments.

To add a new department, click Add New Department. Enter the following:

  • Department Name and Description: Enter the name and description. The name appears in Department drop-down menus.
  • Department Code: Enter the code used for this department for accounting purposes
  • External ID: Enter any code used to identify the department in another system, such as payroll.
  • Active option: Make sure the Active option is checked to make the department active. 

Click Save to save the new department.

To edit a department, click the Edit link for the department in the right column of the list of departments. The Department Name, Description, Code, and External ID appear so that you can change them. Click Save to save your changes. 

To make a department inactive, click the Edit link to edit it, and then click the Active option so that it is unchecked.

Warning: All users must already be moved to a different department before you can uncheck the Active option. Select each user and change the user's department (see Adding and Managing Users for details on editing user information).