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Table of Contents

Adding Users

Adding employeee employee to your account grants them the ability to book travel services, ship packages, and submit expense reports. Depending on the levels of access you give them, they can also book services on behalf of other employees as well as approve and pay expense reports.

Tip: To add employees while setting up your services, click the Dashboard tab of Admin Access, and click Add your employees under the "Invite your team" heading.


  • User Details: Enter the name, email, and employee ID for the employee, and select a department in the Department drop-down menu (for details on administering departments, see Administering Departments). If there is a section custom fields (such as contract IDs for negotiated rates), enter the custom information or select the custom choices (such as a contract ID to assign to this user).
  • Admin Settings: Click the checkbox if you want to give this employee access to the Admin Access Dashboard. To see everything available on the Admin Access Dashboard, see Navigating the Admin Access Dashboard.Expense Settings: Select an approver in the Assigned approver drop-down menu (for details on how employees get their expense reports approved, see Working With Expense Reports). Click the Approver permissions checkbox if the employee also approves expense reports (for details on the approval role, see The Approval Role). Click the Payer permissions checkbox if the employer is also a payer (see The Payer Role for details).
  • If your site uses EHI Rental Car Contracts, each user must be assigned a contract ID from EHI in order to see search results for car rentals. See "Assigning Contract IDs and Billing Numbers" in Contract IDs and Billing Numbers for instructions.


  • Click Impersonate to impersonate the user. Impersonation lets you act as the impersonated user to clearly identify and address issues affecting the user, view the user's itineraries, and book travel for the user. 
    • If multiple languages are enabled for the site, a language choice screen appears. Choose your language. 
    • As the administrator, your name is displayed for reference at the top right corner of the page while impersonating a user. 
    • To stop impersonation, click the user's name at the top of the page, and then select Close.
      Note: While impersonating a user, any action you take is real, as if the user performed the action. That means any flight you book is booked in the user's name. 
  • Click Deactivate to deactivate the user.
  • Click Send reminder email to send a reset-password reminder email to the user.
  • Click the Edit button to edit the User Details , and Admin Settings, and Expense Settings.

Uploading User Profiles

As a site administrator, you may be able to add multiple users to your site at once if your site has been configured to offer this feature. Follow these steps:


  • For the Admin, Approver, and Payer Permissions, enter "Yes" or "No" to assign appropriate permissions. If these fields are left blank, the permission defaults to "No". Approver Permissions can only be changed from "Yes" to "No" in Admin Access.
  • Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the table below.
  • If required fields are empty, the upload will fail. 

First Name

The user's first name.

Last Name

The user's last name.

Employee ID

Companies using an additional, unique employee ID can optionally add this ID to the employee profile.


The user's email address.

External IDLeave this field empty.

Department Name

Associate each user to an appropriate department name within your company. The department names must already exist in the system before employees can be associated with them.

Assigned Approver

This individual will approve Expense expense reports for the specific employee in the upload. Approvers are identified by email address. Assigned approvers must have approver permissions. The approver must already be in the system as a user.

Admin Permissions

Enter "Yes" or "No" as field values for this permission to allow or not allow the user full administrative access to your company's site configurations.

Approver Permissions

Enter "Yes" or "No" as field values for this permission to allow or not allow the user the ability to approve expense reports for other employees.

Payer Permissions

Enter "Yes" or "No" as field values for this permission to allow or not allow the user the ability to process approved expense reports for payment.

